Monday, June 14, 2010

This guy makes me feel like such a wuss

So, I've been on-and-off with the Strength stuff, and feeling mildly guilty about it. Really, the only reason that I don't feel much worse about only doing squats once last week is that there was some snatch-centric workouts, so I'm still doing some kind of lifting.

But, at some point, I need to show a little more dedication. I need to focus. I need to get serious about squats.

Take this guy, for example. This guy fucking wants it.


Aaron said...

You can faintly hear his spotter saying, "I got ya, bra!!" And then....

The only thing that could be better than that vid is one of Cory Hill breaking his leg in an MMA fight.

Robin said...

Never stand directly in front of the squatter! (Yes, I broke down and watched it, I wasn't going to!)

a said...

Notice everyone in that room is large? Not exactly poster children for being fit.

Anonymous said...

Uh, lets all just stand around for a bit while a big dude is unresponsive on the floor.
