Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Muscle-Ups / Tabata Awfulness

A. Muscle-Up Practice

We were supposed to do 5-4-3-2-1 MUs, but c'mon, let's be serious for a second. 

I did however do 3 single muscle-ups.  This brings my lifetime total to 6.

There were no failures and not a lot of warming up for me, either.  I did a jumping MU during warm-up, then listened to Keenan's instructions and did a bit of visualizing. 

Then I did one. 

Later, I did a second one.  After that, a third. 

I'm still not getting very high, on them and I'm having to really force my way up on my right side.  Because it's kind of awkward and I'm forcing it, I opted against attempting anymore rather than doing something that would end up with me injured. 

Something to work on.  But I'm happy with the progress. 


B. “3/4 Tabata This”

4 minutes of Tabata Air Squats
1 minute Rest
4 minutes of Tabata Push-ups
1 minute Rest
4 mintues of Tabata Abmat Situps

Each 4 minutes is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest.  Complete 4 minutes of one movement before moving on to the next.

Score is total reps.   I screwed up on the math in the chart below.  I actually got 140 squats, not 123.  61 push-ups is correct.  Pathetic, but correct.  97 sit-ups is also correct.    

Total score is 298.    

Nothing really unexpected here.  I think.   

After eight rounds of push-ups, I'm averaging about 7.5 sit-ups per round. I wonder if on, I should try to do 9 per round and rest the rest of the time, rather than going almost to failure?  If I got that, it would allow me to hit 72, which is higher.  Going from a high of 19 to a low of four is bad.  Just bad. 

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