Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Front Squat Fives / T2B & KB PP AMRAP

A. Front Squats 5-5-5-5


205 seemed plenty heavy too me. I wasn't going to push my back too much, and I always think that I'm capable of front squatting more than I actually am. 

I'm in no way sure about anything I did other than the 205

B. AMRAP - 10 minutes

As many rounds as possible of:

10 kettlebell push-press (left arm) - 35lb
10 kettlebell push press (right arm) - 35lb
10 toes-to-bar

I did seven rounds and one push press

At the start, using the kipping technique Aimee showed me, I was finally able to string together 10 T2B for a couple of rounds, and groups of 4-5 in subsequent rounds.  It made a real difference in time.  However, it hurts the hell out of my hands and I eventually had to go back to my one-at-a-time method. 

Hey, speaking of Aimee, she had a hand in decorating the washrooms at CFR, which have been spruced up a bit with some new paint and a couple of new decor touches.  It's very nice.

One of the decor items is a large sign with a series of tips that seem to be telling couples how they can be in a loving and fullfilling relationship.  

But I noticed something kind of funny about it.  See if you can spot it. 

Scroll down if you want to see what I noticed. 




"Stay in bed all day."  Hey, I like the sound of that!  What comes next?

"Create memories you will tell your grandchildren about."  Whaaa....?

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