Thursday, June 6, 2013

What in the "Helen" am I doing here at 6am?

Every weekday morning,  I set my alarm to wake me up at 5:33am so that I might go to CrossFit for 6am.  Even if I hit the snooze button, I'm usually awoken around that time by the persistent yipping of my Yorkshire terrier, Yoda, demanding to be fed. 

He will not shut up and there is the implied threat that if I don't immediately respond to his demands, I will come down to my kitchen and find a puddle of canine piss on the floor. 

"What did you expect, human? I have NEEDS."

Working out at 6am has a number of advantages over doing so 12 hours later.  It frees up my evening so I can spend time with my family. The gym is never overcrowded, and I am able to focus better on what I'm supposed to be doing. There's a sense of camraderie among the hardy souls who get up that early to put themselves through whatever exercise hell has been programmed that day.  It's a beautiful time of day, especially when I walk out the door invigorated by the workout, breathing in the crisp morning air, with the morning sun shining warmly as the promise of a new day awaits me. 

Despite all this,  I get to maybe one 6am class every two weeks in the non-winter months when my job permits (some times of the year, I have to be at work at 7:45, with some prep work done at home beforehand, so those times are a write-off). and mostly because I don't go to sleep early enough

Today, though, I managed to get up, eat a spoonful of Nutella, and get to the gym in time to do a classic benchmark girl WOD...


Three rounds for time:
400m run
21 bell swings (55lb)
12 pull-ups


It's six seconds slower than my PR, but more than a minute faster than when I last did it just over a year ago. 

So that was a pretty good way to start the morning. 

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