Thursday, June 27, 2013

In Rod We Trust

Second 6 a.m. workout in a row.   'Cuz I'm hardcore like that, yo.

Honestly, it's just convincing myself to roll out of bed when the alarm goes off at 5:30.  Today I hit snooze twice, which took me to 5:40, but I managed to get up.   I like myself so much better when I make it to the 6 a.m. class.   Until I start falling asleep at my desk at 11 a.m.


A. For Time: “Run and Swing”

3 Rounds of 400M Run, 21 Heavy Kettlebell Swings 70/55. 

Damn, that 70lb KB isn't getting any lighter.  I broke up my 21 into sets of 14 and 7 for the first two rounds and 13 and 8 in the last two.  I probably spent too much time resting between the swings, especially in the first two rounds.

Finished in 9:41.

B. 5 forward rolls, Hollow Rock to Superman rolls x10, 5 forward rolls

Done.  Awkwardly

C. Challenge: can you navigate the new pull-up bar entirely by hand?

No.  No, I cannot.   Got about a quarter of the way around and my grip started to hurt.  See the name of this blog for an explanation. 

D. Mobility: Up Dog, Down Dog, Plow, Camel.

Rotate 2-3x through these poses spending at least 30 seconds in each.

This was probably the most yoga I've ever done in one sitting.  I should do more of it, and then maybe I wouldn't have the flexibility of an inanimate carbon rod. 


Overheard at the Gym  

 "What's Up Dog?"   Yoga humour.  Really, people only laughed because they were up at 6 a.m. 

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