Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sandbag Shitstorm / MUs #2 and #3

The programming at CrossFit Regina called for a strength segment and metcon, as per usual.

I was looking forward to doing back squats for the first time in a while, but got hung up at home so completely missed that part.

I did get there in time for the metcon, though. 


A. "Sandbag Shitstorm"*

*not the official name... but it's an awesome name and if you think otherwise, I will fight you. 

10min AMRAP:

30 Sand bag walking lunges 45/20
30 sand bag shouldering (15 each) +5 squats with bag on left shoulder, 5 squat with bag on right shoulder
100 sand bag carry

I got 2 rounds, plus 30 lunges plus 15, uh, shoulderings and 4 squats.

I guess that's okay.  But I think I was without inspiration due to a lack of appropriate WOD music.

Given the sandbaggy nature of this WOD, they should have played "Darube" by Sandstorm on a constant loop. (Please enjoy this timeless techno classic, accompanied by visuals of legendary MMA fighter Wanderlei Silva mauling people by punching, kneeing, and stomping.  Oh so much stomping)

Really, this song should be the soundtrack for all of our lives.  It would make us all a minimum142% better. 


B. Muscle-Up practice

So I figured that I'd do the backsquats with the 7pm crowd, after doing the metcon at 6:30.  When I mentioned this to Aaron, he replied, "Your backsquats will be severely compromised by the metcon."
While I am the #VoiceOfReason for my Neanderthal buddies on our upcoming UFC roadtrip to Winnipeg (a group which includes Aaron), I have to admit that he was right.   It's reassuring to know I have someone who can step in as a #SubstituteVoiceOfReason should I get stabbed by a Winnipeg ne'er-do-well or throttled by Harlan. 

Instead of doing backsquats, I thought I'd work on muscle-ups, since I hadn't been able to get a second one since the day I finally knocked the MU monkey off my back

I got some tips from Ann-Marie and Leya.  After a few frustrating attempts and walking away, I did a few jumping MU's and then came back to the rings with no one around. 

Nailed it.  I was so happy, I just stayed up there and waited until Leya noticed from across the gym, since it seems like the only time I can do these fucking things is when she's present. 

I then made a less than graceful dismount that ended up with me falling down on my ass. 

A few minutes later, I decided I wanted to try for a second one.  I got it, though it was a bit more of a struggle to push myself up.  No one-legged eggbeater move though. 

So, in the course one evening, I managed to increase my lifetime total for MUs by 200%. 

1 comment:

Leya said...

I am pleased to know I am your muscle up fairy.