Monday, February 4, 2013

Cheating Regina Bastard: CrossFit Currie Barracks (Part 1)

The Wife and I were in Calgary for a few days.  Whenever I travel, I try to hit a local CrossFit if possible.  Calgary has quite a few affiliates, and I've been to two in previous visits, CrossFit Calgary and CrossFit Athlete Inside.

I liked both of those gyms, and would happily go back to either.  But I don't get away from Regina that much, so I wanted to try a new place.  As luck would have it,  a new affiliate opened up not far from where I was staying.  (By "not far" I mean "only a 20-minute drive."  It's Calgary, after all.) 

CrossFit Currie Barracks opened this past August.  It's located in an area that used to be a military base but is being re-zoned for commercial and residential, I think. 

I kind of liked the atmosphere in the gym.  It had everything you need to do CrossFit (weights, bells, boxes, rings, rowers, balls, pull-up rig), and it was well organized without being excessively shiny or pretty. 

I don't think CrossFit gyms should be too pretty.  

As a visiting CrossFitter, I arrived early for an 8am WOD, both to make sure I'd find the place okay, and to sign a waiver promsing I won't sue if I drop a weight on my idiot head. 

So I did a little warm-up on my own, then after introductions ("This is Tyler.  He's from Regina.  Don't hold that against him.") Coach Eric put the small group (I think there were a half-dozen of us, give or take) through a group warm-up.  Walking lunges, shuffle lunges, inchworms, that sort of stuff.  I actually was sweating pretty good just from that. 

The WOD was fun.  (Our fun is not fun)

18-min AMRAP:

3 hang power snatch (95lbs)
6 overhead squats
9 knees-to-elbows
12 24" box jumps

Once again, my tendency to not pay attention to shit bit me in the ass.  For some reason I thought we only had to do three OHS, so that's what I did for the first two rounds.  Eric corrected me after I dropped the bar on the third round, so I made up for the ones I missed by doing nine straight.  That was embarassing. 

I've been too scared to check out the CFCB website to see if there were any references to the "Cheating Regina Bastard."

Oh yeah, the WOD.  Well, as expected, the snatch was okay and the OHS was doable.  I didn't have to break them up. 

The K2E... well, I did have to break those up. Sets ranged between two and four, for the most part.  I might have done singles in the later rounds.  

The box jumps got old fast.  I started out doing full sets of 12 but switched to 8s and 4s soon enough. 

I wasn't sure what I'd get on this.  I figured 5+ rounds would be okay, but wanted to break 6. 

I finished with 6 full rounds plus 3 snatch, 6 OHS and 4 K2E. 

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