Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Spaz with a Muffin Top - What's not to love?

A. Power Snatch Double 2-2-2-2-2


Leya was coaching and was doing her best to remain positive about most of my form while being diplomatic about the fact that I'm jumping and stomping way too much. 

Let's face facts:  In life, and in CrossFit, I'm a bit of a spaz.  I'm always gonna be a bit of a spaz.  And when I snatch, I snatch as a spaz would.

As I stepped up to the bar for the last set, it occurred to me that I was stuck on a single snatch at 140 for the longest time.  Now, I wasn't even all that nervous about two at 145.  Truthfully, I probably would have attempted to go heavier afterward if it wasn't so late.  We had to move on to the metcon.


B. “Open 12.3″

AMRAP in 18 minutes:
  • 15 Box Jumps 24″/20″
  • 12 Push Press 115lb/75lb
  • 9 Toes to Bar
I got 6 rounds + 15 box jumps + 12 push press  + 2 T2B
Not quite as good as my results last year when I got 7+ rounds, but it's not too far off.  Last year, I think there would have been more a competition feel to it, and I was probably a little more warmed up.  I also think I surprised myself with how good I did last year, so this was okay. 

After seeing some pictures from the Volke's garage WOD and thinking I looked a bit silly in a pair of excessively baggy shorts, I decided to wear some shorts that were more reasonably sized. 

As it turns out, the tighter waistband on those shorts accentuated my already considerable muffin top.  That was unfortunate for bystanders at CFR last night, as I decided I needed to ditch my shirt for the last part of the metcon. 

1 comment:

Leya said...

Honestly, I wasn't just being nice. Your lifts last night looked really good. The bar stayed in close to the body, you didn't short your pull but instead were good and explosive. You just kick a bit. So, in short, you are not a spaz when snatching. Huzzah! There ends my pep talk for the evening.