Saturday, August 13, 2011

Partner Painstorm

With a partner, 5 rounds of:
Row 300m (both partners do this, switching off)
100 feet walking lunges with 75lbs across our backs (split the work)
Run 400m (everyone runs!)
100 feet traveling burpees (split the work, alternate jumps, start from where your partner lands)

I partnered with Jarrett and Darren, with me working the same time as Jarrett.

Maybe it's because I didn't eat more than a spoonful of Nutella beforehand, or maybe it's just a tough-ass WOD, but this FUCKING KILLED ME.

The transitions from the lunges to the 400m run were the worst. I stopped running for a moment at one point during the third round.

It took us 38:03. The individual version of this Painstorm involved 500m rows, half-bodyweight lunges (for me, that would have been 90lbs) and, obviously, no splitting the lunges or travelling burpees. That sounds inhuman.

1 comment:

Kurt said...

I have nothing to add but thanks for that drywall link on your blog. So awesome.