Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Front Squats and a Chipper

So I sort of gave up setting my alarm for 6, but I thought I might naturally wake up in time to go to CFR this morning because I got into bed fairly early. Problem was, my darling wife had an iced coffee right before bed and wasn't sleepy. So I didn't get to sleep until well after midnight.

Then, at some point in the early morning hours, the Boy (age 4) crawls into bed beside me with a stuffed up nose and proceeds to loudly snore RIGHT IN MY EAR. I woke up around 5:50, and had a brief internal chat with myself about whether to get up to go to the gym.

"C'mon, you will feel better after working out."

"One more hour of sleep would be awesome."

"Like you're going to get any sleep with that chainsaw in your ear."

"But I'm tired."

"You're being a pussy."

"I'm okay with being a pussy."

"The Bridge City Beatdown is less than a month away. You should probably do a few workouts before then, you flabby, bereft-of-disciplinefuck."

"But it's so warm under the blanket."

"Hey, you never regret working out. You ALWAYS regret missing a workout."

"Grrrr. Fine. Okay. I'll do it."

A. Strength = Front Squats 5-5-5

155-185-205(2) Couldn't match my previous best. But Christian said, "Nobody should be setting PRs at 6 in the morning.

B. Metcon = Dot Com Chipper from 110322
For time:
70 (Speed) Burpees
60 Situps
50 Kettlebell Swings – 55/35lb
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand Push-ups


This was a pretty tough chipper.


Never stop dreaming.


"Dear CrossFitter: Be kinder to yourself."

Something to think about. Hell, we don't need to take this so seriously that it makes us SAD when we don't meet our lofty expectations of ourselves.


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