Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Overhead Squats and DL/T2B: That'll teach me to open my big mouth

Yesterday, I ranted a bit about cherrypicking WODs, and not skipping the gym if you see one you don't like.

It's like the CrossFit gods (or Robin and Aaron) read what I wrote and wanted to test my resolve by including a WOD that is tailor-made for me to ditch.

Hey, what if it included both deadlifts for time AND toes to bar?

A. Overhead Squats 3-3-3


Barely got the third rep on the 175 and strained my right shoulder a bit in trying to hang on. Nothing serious.

B. Dot Com 2
5 rounds for time:
15 Deadlifts – 185/135lb
15 Toes to Bar

19:58 Just barely got in sub-20. That's about three minutes slower than I would have liked.

I took WAY too many breaks on this, but I found it really tough. Fortunately, I did not tear my sissy hands, though there might be a couple of new blisters in development. Whatever, callouses are manly and sexy.

C. SASKATOON COMPETITORS' BONUS - A 400m run with a medicine ball. Not timed.
I did it, but it was mostly a walk with a few half-hearted jogging spurts. The rain, my sweat and the leftover chalk got things nice and pasty, and the ball was hard to carry.

In a vaguely related matter, the squiggly veins on either side of my forehead are especially pronounced these days after a workout. I realize it's probably nothing, but part of me wonders if I should be concerned. If it gets any more noticeable, I'll be looking like the dude from the Green Lantern movie.

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