Thursday, May 5, 2011

Throwdown #2

For time:
750m Row
21 Deadlifts – 225/155lb
Ring Pushups (men 30 / women 30)
15 Deadlifts – 225/155lb
Ring Pushups (25 men / 20 women)
9 Deadlifts – 225/155lb
Ring Pushups (20 men / 10 women)
750m Row

Took me 19:09 as rx`d. Some guys can hammer off the deadlifts like nothing, but I`m not one of them.

I don`t like DL for time and 225lbs, while small potatoes for a lot of dudes, is a lot of weight for me. On the bright side, my form must have been pretty good, because my back isn`t killing me.

Ring push-ups are like regular push-ups, only I`m slightly more awful at them.

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