Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Spirit Away"

I usually do this around my birthday, but it came a little late this year.

It's a rough one. There may be CrossFitters who can blast their way through this, but I am not one of them.

Five rounds of:

15 overhead squats 115 lb
25 burpees
20 weighted sit-ups 30 lb
10 power snatch 115 lb

My shoulders were finally feeling better, do idecided to do this as rx'd, though I did have second thoughts after a few practice snatches and OHS. But I figured iwould just go for it and see what happened.

Took me 46:33, which is almost four minutes better than last year.

That's a pretty good birthday present, even if it is two months late.

1 comment:

aaron said...

Happy belated birthday! Was there a crowd of ladies cheering you on for this one too?