Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Push Press / Rowing Sprints

I was still far from 100 per cent with my arms and shoulders when I went to CFR on Tuesday. I couldn't fully extend my arms above my head without pain. Hanging from the pull-up bar hurt so bad I thought I might lose control of my bodily functions (I didn't).

After some stretching, I was able to do the day's push press workout, and I actually don't think I would have lifted more than I did even if I was injury free. It was weird, I could do kipping handstand push-ups in quick succession, but I couldn't do more than one kipping pull-up and no deadhang pull-ups whatsoever.

Push Press 2-2-2-2-2



The second part of the WOD was an AMRAP involving wall balls, box jumps and bell swings. Given that bell swings were part of the Saturday WOD that fucked up my shoulders and arms in the first place, and wall balls involve extending my arms above my head, I thought it best to do something else. Plus, that fucker looked HARD.

I settled on rowing sprints, 4 x 500m. Not nearly as strenuous as the AMRAP, but still good for a sweat. I waited around two minutes in between.

1:54, 1:48, 1:48, 1:49

I think these times were a bit slower than I'd normally expect of myself. That could be due to the injury, or perhaps a lack of motivation.

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