Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Unbroken reps of "Gwen"
A. “Gwen” 15-12-9 reps
Clean & Jerk
Choose weight and use same weight for each round. Rest as needed between rounds as reps are unbroken, touch and go only on floor
Score for load not time

I did 125lbs.
That was plenty heavy for me for the first 15 reps, the next two sets got progressively less-awful, and it felt positively glorious when it was all over. I’d probably try 5lbs heavier next time.

B. Max Deadhang Pull-ups

, which is more than I was able to do fresh a couple of weeks ago. I guess C&Js were a good warm-up.

C. 1Km row

3:39. Not a super quick time, but my forearms were pretty mad at me by this point.

Hey, here's a video of people doing this at CF Albany, with varying levels of skill.

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