Monday, July 27, 2009

F**king Wall Balls

The one thing I know about these 100-day challenges is that you do NOT want to fall too far behind. I'm sure that's what eliminates more people from them is missing a few days and then the amount you have to do to catch up is just ridiculous.

That's what happened to my buddy Harlan. He hurt his back and missed a bunch of days, and before you know it, he was over 800 in the hole. To his credit, he never quit them. He was mentioning it to me, and I suggested that the next time he goes to CrossFit, he should skip the workout of the day and just do 10 WB per minute for, say, 40 minutes. It's a slow enough pace that you can keep it up, but it's enough of a workout that you feel it. I did it when I was behind 265 or something and I sweated like a pig. He e-mailed me this morning:
That suggestion for wall ball was awesome! 502 this morning at 10/minute. I will do the same thing tomorrow to get myself back out of the hole. Thanks for the suggestion. It is too daunting to think "holy shit I almost have 1000 wb to do" but if you keep doing just 10 they are doable.

And sweat, fuck me do you sweat! Also like you mentioned.
Have a good day.


On Friday, I did enough wall balls to cover Saturday, so on Saturday, I added 50 to the vacation bank. Sunday was the Boy's birthday party, so I couldn't sneak over to CrossFit Regina to get my daily allottment in. My next scheduled workout isn't until Tuesday, so I was facing the prospect of having to do three days' worth (around 220) the next time I go. Screw that.

This morning, when Tracey got back from her 6am workout, I went out to the garage to do Sunday's 73 WBs with the official subsitute, 45lb salt bag thrusters (which I find more strenuous). I did 75, plus I added another 35 to the vacation bank which now sits at 235.

I'm going to try to do Monday's 74 (minus the two extra from this morning) tonight before bed. We'll see if I can get that motivated. Maybe I should take a salt bag to Ultimate Frisbee tonight and do them on the sidelines when I'm not playing. That wouldn't look dorky at all, nosiree.

I had to stop by CFR to drop off something on my way home, so I just did them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can NOT imagine doing this in the heat of the day. And I creeped my wife out as I threw my wet clothes at her when I got home. :)