Saturday, April 27, 2013

"It's Complicated"

Three person WOD.  I teamed with Nathan and Steve and Victor.  Yup, that's four guys. 

I'm writing this three days later so I may not get this exactly right, but this is about the gist of it.

Each person takes a turn at the station.  You don't move to the next station until the dude doing wall balls is done, and you only count the wall balls, so there w  Everyone does every station before moving to the next round.

Round 1
a) 30 WB, 15 burpees
b) five pull-ups, five hang cleans (95lbs) (then sixes, then sevens etc)
c) five bell swings, five sit-ups (then sixes, then sevens etc)

Round 2
a) 20 WB, 10 burpees
b) five push-ups, five bell swings (then sixes, then sevens etc)
c) five shoulder to overhead, five toes-to-bar

Round 3
a) 10 WB, 5 burpees
b) Power snatch
c) double unders

Round 4
a) 20 WB
b) five push-ups, five bell swings (then sixes, then sevens etc)
c) five shoulder to overhead, five toes-to-bar

Round 5
a) 30 WB
b) five pull-ups, five hang cleans (95lbs) (then sixes, then sevens etc)
c) five bell swings, five sit-ups (then sixes, then sevens etc)

I think we finished in 26:40-something. 

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