Saturday, April 20, 2013

VolkeFit Harbour Village Throwdown!

Smile and the whole world smiles with you. Squat, and you squat alone.

Steve hosted another CrossFit get-together in his garage on Saturday.  (Oh shit, I hope by me calling it that, I'm not getting him in trouble with CrossFit HQ.  Gotta protect the brand, y'know.)

There were 11 people taking part, I think.  We split up into teams, and I ended up on a stacked team consisting of Matt, Leya, Shae, and Uncles.  It was kind of like being a journeyman left-winger for the Moose Jaw Warriors who somehow ends up playing on the mid-80s Edmonton Oilers dynasty team.
I didn't record results, so I'll just talk about what we did. 

WOD #1
Teams of three, conga line.  Two rounds of: 
10 burpees
15 squats
200m-ish run 

(Joel, Leya and me)

This was fine.  I like doing all of this stuff.  This was the first time I ran outside in my new, minimalist Innov-8s, so I may have gone a little slower as I was more conscious of where I was stepping. 

Or maybe I was just running that slow because I haven't actually run anywhere in five months. 

WOD #2 
Teams of three, one person working at a time 
-Three minutes of OHS for max reps (95lbs)
-Two minutes of hand-release push-ups 

(Matt, Shae and me)

I think I mostly held my own on the OHS, doing a couple sets of 15.  Let's not talk about how I did on the push-ups, mmkay?

WOD #3
7-minute AMRAP:
Teams of three, one person at each station:
-20 power cleans (135 and 95lbs)
-handstand hold
(Matt, Leya and Uncles)

Score was the max sit-ups.  You switch whenever one teammate has completed the 20 cleans. And -- here's the nasty part, which I'm proud to say was my idea -- you can only work when the one teammate is in the handstand hold 

I sat this one out... which made it way more entertaining. 

If your face doesn't look like this when you CrossFit, you're doing it wrong

WOD #4
5-minute AMRAP (I think... I could have the time wrong)

Teams of three - Each person at a station, rotate when everyone's done.

Keep in mind, the camera adds a good 50-60 lbs

-20 overhead lunges - 45lbs 
-20 front squats - 135lbs
-20 kettlebell snatches - 55lbs

The front squats were a special kind of awful, especially when you (meaning me) are the last person to finish at your  station in a garage full of hyper-fit people and your team is waiting for you to hurry the fuck up, fatass so they can get back to exercising. 

WOD #5
Everyone does this, going through one at a time. 

One minute at each station:
-Wall ball
-Box jumps (20")
-Battle ropes

Battle ropes are one of those things that look not so bad, but then you do them and you are just praying for the sweet release of death. 


Driving with Arnold:

I saw this on Fuck Yeah CrossFit and I liked it so I stole it and put it here. 


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