Saturday, November 3, 2012

So apparently, not going to the gym and eating shitloads of candy makes you fat? Why didn't anyone tell me this?

My gym attendance lately has been awful.  It's not that I don't want to do CrossFit, I've just got some stuff going on in my life.  Mainly, my in-laws have moved in with me, and the associated moving, cleaning and organizing that goes along with that took up a bunch of time that would normally be spent at CrossFit.

Even if I ate relatively well, the absence of regular exercise would have me defaulting to fat, but lately I've been living on a diet that consists of between 50 and 80% of Halloween candy, depending on the day.  I've also been a bit sleep-deprived. 

So, yeah, I'm getting dangerously close to "fat fuck" territory again.  

I've got to switch gears.  I went back to the gym Saturday, Nov. 3 and would have gone the following day, except I showed up and they were doing yoga.  I would have joined in but I wasn't in the right frame of mind.  Maybe one of these Sundays I will join in on it, though.

Saturday's group WOD was a re-run of something we did recently, except this time we had to do TWO rounds instead of one. 

Again, I didn't notice until I was almost done the first round.  That sucked.

For time, TWO rounds of:

20 Calorie row
30 Burpees
30 Dumbbell ground-to-overhead (45lb / 35lb)
30 Toes-to-bar
35 Overhead stationary lunges (45lb plate / 25lb)
50 Double Unders

My team, the Superstorm Dandies, got this done in 39:32

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