Sunday, November 18, 2012

I may kind of suck at CrossFit, but I rock (at) paper scissors

A. Rock Paper Scissors Warm-Up

Pick a partner, play rock paper scissors, and the loser of each hand has to do a small amount of exercise
  • 5 burpees
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • plus some other shit I can't remember. 

I paired up with Kim Fe, who warned me that she is awesome at RPS.    Then I proceeded to KICK HER ASS.    Well, actually, we tied for the first 5 (or maybe 7... whatever it was, it was amazing) rounds, so we both had to do it.    Kim: "What's disturbing to me is how much my brain works like Tyler's."   Then in the next six rounds, I won 4, she won 1 and we tied once.   And I SUCK at RPS.  

Best warm-up ever. 

B. KB Snatch Ladder 55/35
10-1 10L,10R,9L,9R……..1L,1R
Not for time.  This was tough.  I haven't mastered the KB snatch so that the KB doesn't whip around and smash the back of my forearm.  By the end, I just snatched it so the bell would stay upside down.   Obviously, this resulted in a couple situations that could have resulted in brain trauma.  But, hey, my wrists feel fantastic!

C. Circuit Mania
Three rounds, one minute at each station
(45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest)
1- Med Ball Cleans
2- Sledge Hammers
3- Rope Battle
4- Atomic Push ups  (Do a strict pushup, bring your feet up to your hands like you're doing a burpee, then kick them back out; don't actually stand up, jump or clap)
5- Sandbag transfer /45
6- Ring Support Holds

Points-wise, the big money here was in the rope battle.  I scored 146 in my best round (I think... there was a lot of counting here).  Sandbag transfer, on the other hand, I scored a 5. 

Keenan wasn't concerned about the scoring, but if you were to do this for a competition, you'd want to weight it.  Maybe make each sandbag transfer worth 5 points, and divide the rope battle points by 5.

Assuming I didn't screw up on the counting of the rope battle rounds (that's a big assumption) my total score was 671.  

I liked this WOD in that it incorporated a lot of things that we don't do all the time at CFR.


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