Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fine, Double Unders, be that way. See if I care.

A. Power Clean & Jerks, on the minute, for 15mins

65% x1x5, 70% x1x5, 75% x1x5

Basically, you do one clean and jerk per minute for 15 minutes.  For the first five minutes, you do 65% of your one-rep max C&J.  For the next five minutes, you use 70% and for the last five you do 75%

I thought my max clean and jerk was 215, but it's actually 210.  I probably would have ended up using roughly the same weights, though, so whatever. 


I didn't find this terribly challenging.  I like C&J's. 

B. Modified NW Regional WOD 2010

3 rounds for time:
10 Overhead Squats – 95/65lb
50 Double-Unders

Once upon a time, I considered myself fairly proficient at double-unders.  Now, they seem to kill me, cardio-wise, and really bring down my WOD results even in relatively small numbers like in this WOD.

I'd like to blame it on my fraying rope (which will be replaced before I do another DU WOD) or the fact that I was wearing my flat-soled Airwalk Chuck Taylor knockoffs and not my cross-trainers,* but the fact was that the DUs just sucked the life out of me during this workout. 

*It's a poor carpenter who blames his tools, fucko. 

I actually was more worried about the overhead squats during this workout, due to my bum shoulder.  I actually considered upping the weight and doing front squats or back squats.  I decided to go ahead with the OHS.  I felt them, but did the first two sets unbroken.  I broke up the last set, but that was more due to fatigue than shoulder issues. 

I suppose it's possible I haven't really regressed all that much on DUs (though some recent Rhiannon results would seem to indicate otherwise). Maybe it's just that a bunch of people at CFR are just that much more advanced at them. 

Whatever it was, I was more than two minutes slower than the fastest times of the day, which is a pretty fucking big gap on a short workout.   I mean, this wasn't the worst time of the day, but it was pretty mediocre and below my expectations.


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