Sunday, July 29, 2012

"That's the most blood I've ever seen from double unders."

Today was sort of an interesting day at Crossfit, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, I was the only person who showed up for the 2pm class. In my four years at CrossFit Regina, that might be the first time that ever happened. I've done workouts with just one other person, but doing it all by myself is a different vibe. 

The workout was the "Newport Crippler"  then a ten minute rest, and concluding with a half-Rhiannon.

Newport Crippler (30 x bodyweight squats, then a one-mile run)

My previous time doing this WOD had a time of 10:03, but reading my description of that day makes me believe that I overachieved a bit. I was shooting for a sub-11-minute time today.

I used a 185lb barbell. I did my squats in sets of 15-10-5, just like last time, but I think I was really lacking some urgency. I didn't finish them until 2:49.   I bet I did them in less than two minutes last time. 

The run was s-l-o-w. Making matters slightly more interesting was the fact that as I was trudging along, a cop car drove past me no fewer than four times.

When I stumbled into the gym at 11:14 elapsed, they drove past in the alley and told Aaron that they thought I might have been someone they were looking to arrest, until they realized I was from CrossFit.

Actually, if I was a criminal, CrossFit would probably come in handy.  Running from the po-po, carrying TVs, pulling yourself up to second-storey unlocked windows, jumping over fences, that sort of thing.

CrimeFit, anyone?

There's a new CrossFit affiliate in Regina called CrossFit Villains, so maybe they're trying to capitalize on that underserved market of scofflaws looking to increase their functional fitness. Or maybe what makes them "villains" is their criminally bad website design.  (C'mon, fellas, that badass industrial-looking background makes it a chore to read the actual, y'know, words on your website.)

Half-Rhiannon (five minutes of double unders) 

In my third set, of double unders, I whipped myself pretty good on the arm, right smack dab on a scab on my left elbow that I acquired via rug burn during an impromptu submission grappling match between Harlan and me during the last UFC pay per view. (BTW, I tapped the Big German out, no matter what Harlan says or was captured on video by spectators that night.)

The ensuing bloody mess prompted the quote from Robin that you see in this blogpost title.   My double unders kinda fell apart after that, though I wouldn't blame the boo-boo as much as I would blame being really, really goddamn tired.

153 double unders in five minutes


Robin said...

I'm not usually at CFR on Sundays, but really glad I was there for the adventure that included cops and blood!!

Leya said...

Ha! Is this a new game for the police: CrossFitter or Criminal? Too bad I left after you finished the squats because it sounds like I missed the most exciting parts of the 2:00 class.