Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tyler gets run over by "Volkswagen"

A. “Volkswagen”
- Bench press (Intermediate weight of 135lb)
- Pullups

The rx'd version of this calls for bodyweight bench press. Well, I can't bench my bodyweight, and I certainly can't do it 45 fucking times. I actually should have swallowed my pride and gone with the beginner's weight of 95lbs, rather than the 135lb weight I used, because the goal of this is to do it fairly fast.

Then again, I generally feel it's best to go as heavy as you can and take a bit longer than blaze through with an easier weight.

This took me 12:51.

Most other people were getting this in the 5-8 minute range, so this shows how deficient I am in the bench press. (I say this, yet I probably won't do much to correct the situation. That's me in a nutshell.)

You hit a wall on the bench for this one really quick. I wasn't even midway through the 15 round when I was doing singles.

B. 30-20-10 of
Wall Ball (20lb) and Bell Swings (55lb).

I did this one on my own, it wasn't part of the day's official curriculum. It was one of several WODs from the CrossFit Ladies of Canada challenge, but I did the men's weights.

After Volkswagen, my shoulders were starting to mutiny. Actually holding the medicine ball was a challenge. Throwing it repeatedly in the air was decidedly unpleasant.

It took me 7:01

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