Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Football Gone Bad"

This is a version of Fight Gone Bad adapted by CrossFit Football and selected by Nolan for the Sunday WOD. It was fitting, given that the AFC and NFC championship games were played today.

3 x 5 Minute Rounds (one minute at each station) for time:

1. DB Thrusters (2x45/25lbs)
2. Box Jumps (20″)
3. Push-ups
4. Double Unders
5. Calorie Row

Rest one minute between rounds.

I got 372
, as counted by D3. Looking at the earlier scores, I was hoping to beat 300 but this WOD is filled with stuff I am not great at.

However, double unders were the great equalizer. Someone who is good at double unders is going to do well on this. If you're reasonably competent at DUs, you can do a lot more of them in a minute than DB thrusters or rowing for calories. You could choose which station to start at, so I started with DUs in order to be as fresh as possible for each of the three rounds. I ended up doing 188 total DUs, which is almost half of my total score. Frankly, I'm amazed that it wasn't a greater proportion, considering how hard everything else was for me.

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