Thursday, January 19, 2012

CLOC#4, Box Jumps, 1K Row

I finally got up for a 6am WOD and it was a doozy. I feel fantastic.

A. CF Ladies of Canada #4
2 rounds of 2 minutes each of
Hand Release Push-ups (touch hands behind head)
Air Squats

*Total 12 minutes, add up total reps for score

343 total. Couldn’t get going on the DUs at first and ended up whipping myself something awful. This was my first time doing the hand-release push-ups (with he new CF standard of putting the hands behind the head in between) and holy cow is that hard. Bright side: no more quasi-acceptable push-ups inflating my scores. Squats are squats.

B. Skill = 3 sets of 25 unbroken 20″ Box Jumps (not timed)

First two sets were unbroken, but glacially slow. Third set I broke up the last five.

C. 1K Row for time


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