Friday, November 25, 2011

Front Squats and "Christine"

A. Strength = Front Squats heavy single 3-2-1-1-1,
Then 90%x2, 85%x3x3

I did 165x3, 195x2 then singles of 215, 225, 235, and 245(PR)
I thought that my previous PR was 225, so I thought I had a 20lb PR there for a little while, then discovered that I actually did 235 for a single in the past. Still, it's always good to get a PR, even if it is *only* 10lbs.

B. Metcon = “Christine” for time
3 rounds of
500m Row,
12 Bodyweight Deadlift (modify to 3/4 or 1/2 bodyweight as needed),
21 Box Jumps – 20”

I used 185 for the deadlifts, though I'm probably around 180. It's what I've used on this in the past.

The deadlifts probably slowed me down the most. I tried not to kill the row so I'd have some energy for the lifts and the jumps.


About 16 seconds slower than the previous time I've done it as rx'd.

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