Thursday, November 3, 2011


100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 air squats

Took me 25:55. That's more than three minutes worse than my best ever time, but I'm not going to piss and moan about it. I was just happy to have gotten to CrossFit for 6 a.m.

Afterwards, in the shower, my body decided to have little talk with me:

"Okay, you dumb bastard, listen up. Do you notice that you're having difficulty raising your arms above your head to shampoo? Yeah, well, that's only the start of what I've got in store for you. By this afternoon, you won't be able to walk stairs without whimpering. Payback's a bitch, asshole. You have been feeding me crap for the last couple of weeks, you're still getting over a cold, you skip the gym for a week and you haven't been giving me enough sleep. You stayed up past two fucking a.m. the other night playing Plants Vs. Zombies, for fuck's sake. And then, THEN, you expect me to go to the gym at 6am and do fucking ANGIE? You dumb shit."

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