Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Double Unders in sets of 10

In order to somewhat attone for yesterday's gluttony at the KFC buffet in Weyburn, I grabbed my skipping rope and headed into CrossFit Creekside (the totally unauthorized and woefully under-equipped rogue affiliate that doubles as my garage) last night for a quick sweat.

My idea was to do 200 double unders. I have misplaced my stopwatch, so I wasn't going to worry too much about the time it took (another blatant flaunting of a core tenet of Crossfit; geez, no wonder this place is a "rogue affiliate"). Then, when I got started, I decided that I would only count sets of ten, sort of similar to the "Fran will not be broken" WOD from a few days ago.

All was well and good, until I hit 40, and then I couldn't put together more than seven DUs in a row. I couldn't figure it out. It may have been the fact that I wasn't using my new speed rope, or some kind of a mental block or something else. But it took me several minutes and numerous attempts before I could get another set of 10.

Eventually I got my act together and managed to string together some sets of 10 and 20.

The effort expended probably wasn't enough to completely undo the damage I did to my body in Weyburn, but hopefully it mitigated it somewhat.

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