Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Wall Ball Annie"

50-40-30-20-10 of:
Double Unders
Wall Ball

This was yesterday's WOD, which I missed because I slept late. I thought I would go to CFR this morning and make it up.

Today's WOD was front squats and five rope climbs, which is really what I should be doing because those are the things I'm weak at, but I felt I needed to get my heart pumping after eating ice cream floats yesterday. (I only had one cup, but I "topped it up" numerous times.)

In the first round, for the first time ever, I did 50 DUs in a row. My previous best was 40, and I had only done that the one time and never more than 35 any other time that I can remember. I think the difference was that I was using a speed rope rather than the thicker, black ones.

Of course, after 50 DUs, wall balls just killed me. I think it took me at least six sets to get to 50.

In the second round, I wanted to have another big set of DUs. Instead, I got 3. It took two more sets to get to 40. Then wall balls were just brutal. My first set was 10, then it was in the 6-7 range for the rest.

It was pretty much the same story for the rest of the workout. DUs were over pretty quickly, but then the wall balls would brutalize me.

Before I started the WOD, I had set a goal of 15 minutes. I finished in 13:31.

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