Sunday, October 23, 2016

Garage with Nick: I'm down with the Get-Ups

A.  Ab-tastic!

30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest:
-Leg raises
-vertical scissors
-horizontal scissors
-bicycle crunches


B. Turkish Get-ups

It was a little odd for me to be demonstrating this to Nick, as my technique is an affront to the entire  Republic of Turkey.

We did 3 sets of 5 per arm, going up to 35lb.

C 75 push-up-less burpees

Took me 3:30ish.  Not super fun, but at least it was over quick.


Unknown said...

That was a fun workout, except for the berpees. That said, my hip flexors are destroyed from the ab workout which is surprising because it didn't feel too bad when we were doing it.

Tyler said...

Back to planks next Sunday. I texted you a graphic outlining the various CrossFit "Girls" WODs. I'll find something fun for us to do.