Friday, April 10, 2015

Basement WOD #2: ROW-man Reigns-Lesnar

I wouldn't normally do a second workout in a day, but after eating lunch at I Love Sushi and spending a good part of the afternoon of EDO being inactive, I told the Boy that he and I needed to work out.

He did a metcon of rowing, burpees, sit-ups and push-press.  He was faster in the third round than he was in the first two, and I told him that he made me very proud with how hard he worked. He had a big smile on his face after that.  I love that little dude.

Afterward, I decided to row 2 km and re-watch the main event from WrestleMania 31 featuring Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns on the new used TV in our workout room.

Seeing those two beat the shit out of each other in what was nominally a fake wrestling match helped me ignore the fact that I don't like rowing medium and long distances.


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