Saturday, October 19, 2013

VolkeFit: Some quality time with the Devil's Bicycle

Went to Steve's garage yesterday and he threw together a little bastard of a partner WOD. 

Partner 1 - 50 calories on the AirDyne (a.k.a. "The Devil's Bicycle")

Partner 2 - goes through the following circuit:
  • 10 "cals" (drop to a plank over a weighted ball, come up as if you're in a burpee, but bring the ball with you, bring it overhead and then slam that fucker on the ground like you mean it) \
  • 5 strict burpees
  • 10 box jumps (stepping down) \
Switch off every 50 calories on the AirDyne, until we get to 400. 

We got through 15 rounds of the circuit in total for the 20-some minutes it took us to get to the 400. 

Afterward, Steve showed me how to use the elastic "floss" around my injured leg and it made a big difference. 

He really knows what he's doing.  I'm happy to see his personal training sideline is growing rapidly. 

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