Thursday, October 24, 2013

Knock the Wind Out of You

3 rounds, for time:

500m Row
30 OH Walking Lunges (35/15) – 15 per leg
15 burpees, jump onto plate
200m Run

This took me 18:27.

The hardest part was the overhead lunges. 

When you have a WOD that involves rowing 500m and then other stuff, it's almost always a good idea to pace yourself on the row.  If you can complete the row in less than 2:00, and then transition quickly to the next movement, that beats killing yourself to get a 1:42 row and then being destroyed. 

The Boy joined in on this WOD and he was pretty hardcore about it.  Aimee took a picture of him doing overhead lunges with a 10lb bumper plate and it's one of my new favourite things.  I meant to post it on here but my computer wouldn't let me so you'll have to go to my Facebook timeline to look at it. 

If you can't view the picture because we're not FB friends, then why the heck are you reading this blog?  I mean, you have to be a pretty crazy obsessed CrossFitter to care about the random results of some 30-something average CrossFitter you don't know personally.

Unless you're stalking me.  Are you stalking me?  I've never had a stalker before. Wow. That's sorta flattering (as long as you don't hurt my family, me, or my dog).

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