Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Turkish Get-ups and Tabata Stuff

A. 0:10-0:20 Turkish Get-ups 3-2-1-1-1

Ended up with a 55lb single on my right arm, 45lb on the left.

I'm pretty bad at Turkish get-ups.  Like, if an actual person from Turkey saw me doing it, I feel like they'd be so insulted by my ineptitude that they'd consider it an affront to their culture and have no choice but to physically attack me. 

So, for any Turks who happen to be reading this, please accept my apologies.  To somehow try to repair the damage I've caused, here's a short video promoting Turkey as a tourist destination.  Enjoy!

Apparently, Istanbul has flying boats, levitating drummers and giant, bridge-jumping horses.  Unless those things terrify you, you should definitely go there.

C. Tabata Mash-Up

8 mins (20sec on, 10 sec off):

Pushups  (80)
Situps  (100)

For push-ups, I did 10s across, rather than do as many as I could in each round.  I thought this would maximize my results, because in previous Tabatas, I've started off with a lot and then by the end I was doing four or five, so the results were shitty (eg. 55 and 61).  HOWEVER, if I had done a bit of research, I would have noted that those Tabatas where when I was doing four minutes of straight push-ups, then moving to a different exercise.  On alternating tabatas, (20 sec of push-ups, 10 rest, 20 sec of box jumps) I managed to get my push-up numbers into the mid-90s.  So I actually might have been able to do better without using the strategy I employed here. 

Perhaps I should try to bump up my push-ups-per-round goal in the future. 

8mins (20sec on, 10 sec off):
Ring Rows (95)
Squats (23)

There was a bit of a clusterfuck here. They Boy was writing down my results.  In one of the later rounds, there was some confusion and while I was showing him what to write, I didn't notice that the 10-sec rest had elapsed.  So I ended up doing zero for one of the squat rounds.  It was my own fault, though. 

Total: 398

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