Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"I've got a bad feeling about this" and The Boy rows 1100m

A. Leg Pistol Practice 15-25 reps

I'm starting to get okay at these.  I can do them with both legs now.  Some kind of minor groin strain affected my ability to do them with my right leg (which is the one that needs the most improvement) but I managed to squeeze a few out. 

B. 1500m Row for time.

I figured that if I managed to get sub-6:00 on this, I'd be happy.  I did a bit better than that and completed it in 5:28.3, which was one of the better times of the day up to that point, and one I was pretty happy with.  Anytime I'm within 10 seconds of Shae on anything, I'm not gonna complain.   I've never been a particularly strong rower and being only 5-9, I don't have any particular physical gifts in that area.  I think it was just that I found the right pace and stuck with it.  I took a momentary breather at around 1100, but it was short and then finished it off. 

C. Push-ups and Double Unders:

For time: 75 Pushups.  Each break do 20 Double Unders.

This video pretty much sums up my thinking going into this.   

Yeah.  After experiencing virtual push-up impotence while getting it on with "Age-Adjusted Angie" last week,I had visions of having to do something like 600 DUs while trying to get through this WOD.  75 push-ups isn't that big of a deal, normally, but they're pretty much my biggest issue with my shoulder right now. 

It wasn't quite that bad, but I did have a pretty frustrating moment at the end. See if you can guess what it was. Here's how this WOD broke down for me. 

16 push-ups
20 DUs, in sets of  2+14+4.  Nice way to start, huh?
12 push-ups, for a total of 28
20 DUs
13 push-ups = 41 total
20 DUS
10 push-ups = 51 total
20 DUs
10 push-ups = 61 total
20 DUs
8 push-ups = 69 total
20 DUs
5 push-ups = 74 total  "I can't do one more? Are you fucking kidding me?!?" 
20 DUs
1 push-up. 

Time: 9:59

Afterwards, the Boy came out of the playroom and wanted to exercise.  We did some of the usual stuff. Burpees, squats, jumping ring pull-ups.   He did assisted box jumps on a 20" box (he jumps while holding my hand, I give him a pull to help him get a bit higher.

Then, he hopped on the rower. I told him to go for 200m.  He did that and kept going.

"You wanna go for 300?" "Yeah!"  

After 300, he didn't show any signs of stopping.

As he approached 500m, I was encouraging him.  "You're doing awesome.  Don't stop until you get to 500."

"I'm not gonna stop until I get 1000!"

I thought that was typical 5 year old bravado, and maybe he was trying to impress Alana who was rowing next to him (he's into blondes), but he kept going.  And going. And he hit 1000!

Then he kept going some more, and I'm thinking I don't want this kid to injure himself.  And, besides, it's after 7pm and I need some supper.  So I let him hit 1100 and then stop him.  He got a nice round of a applause from the CrossFitters and Kim Fly wrote his name on the whiteboard for the first time.

1 comment:

aaron said...

That picture is awesome!! The Boy is proud as punch and deservedly so!