Thursday, August 16, 2012

Burpee/KB Metcon

It's a 10-min AMRAP combined with an every minute on the minute WOD.  Two types of awful for the price of one!
Here's the deal:
We do one burpee on the first min, two on the second, etc.
With the time remaining in each of the minutes, we swing a kettlebell until it feels like our arms are going to fall off. (These are not the official instructions, BTW).

Your score is the number of KB Swings.

Because I am the World's Laziest CrossFitter and not particularly gifted athletically, I usually try to gameplan WODs to maximize my score with minimal effort.   But this one was hard to gameplan. 

I figured I would get tired later, so the smart thing to do was to try to maximize the swings early on, when I had the most time. 

It mostly worked, I think.  

As the number of required burpees got higher,  I went slow during those in an effort to catch my breath to do a quick burst or two of bell swings. 
127, rx'd.

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