Thursday, June 28, 2012

What the hell is a deck squat?

A. Sandbag 800M 65lb

Running with a 65lb sandbag gets old real quick.  I suppose it's a good example of a functional exercise (carrying something awkward and sort of heavy over a medium distance as quickly as you can), but that's not the F-word that was going through my mind as I was doing this.


B.  Unnamed metcon

6 rounds for time of

10 One Arm Kettlebell Swings (to shoulder height, 5L+5R)

10 Deck Pistols (5L+5R) (sub 10 Deck Squats)
What's a deck pistol, you ask?  This:

Seeing as I can't do regular pistols, I had to sub this for deck squats.  It's the same thing, with two feet.  NOTE TO FUTURE SELF READING THIS FOR TIPS: I found it was easier for me once I took off my shoes.    I also rolled as far back onto my shoulders as I could and helped push myself back up with my hands, sort of like I was kipping up. Y'know, without the athleticism. 

I used a 55lb kettlebell and got done this in 6:53 

C. Sandbag 800M 65lb

The second one was far worse than the first.  I took multiple walking breaks.


Today was the first time The Boy came to a 6 a.m. workout with me.  He had fallen asleep way early last night and was up at 4:45 this morning.  Because he's a busy kid* and I didn't want him waking the entire house, I thought I would bring him along.

*"Busy kid" being a politically correct term for "refusing to ever just calm the fuck dow and let other people get some sleepn." 

As I noted on the Crossfit Regina blog:  The only thing less fun than a second 800m run carrying a 65lb sandbag at 6am in the morning is doing all of that while your 5-year-old yells “You’re supposed to run faster, Dad! That guy (Dana) is beating you!”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude - kipping up and no demo from HBK... really?

Nice to see AJ is enjoying life!

Iron Mike