Thursday, September 22, 2011

From the Vault... of pain and misery

I think this WOD hadn't been done at CrossFit since 2007, so that's why they labelled it...
‘From The Vault’
3 Rounds for Time
30 Box Jumps - 20"
30 Pushups
30 Bell Swings – 35/25lb
30 Pullups
30 Wallball – 20/15(14)lb

First round flew by... 5:44 or something like that. Then shit slowed WAAAAAY down for me, even though I was trying to pace myself but still move through stuff quickly. That plan kinda went out the window and I switched into "Let's just get through this mode." I would have liked to get through my pull-ups quicker, but my right shoulder has a little something going on with it.

It took me 30:38 to get through this. That's not a bad time, but I know I could do better.

I worked out alongside Jacob, whose goal in life is to beat Jarrett. He was a maniac, overtaking me early in the second round and never looking back. He was done his final set of pull-ups at 22:15 or something. Jarrett's time from earlier in the day was, I think, 25:00 (which is pretty fucking great). Jacob had a very good shot at beating him, as 30 wall balls in two minutes is very possible. But I think Jacob forgot about the wall balls and sprinted through the pull-ups in an effort to smash Jarrett's time. When he was reminded about the wallballs, his heart rate was skyrocketing and he couldn't do the wall balls right away.

He still finished in just over 26:00, so that's a great time, and he is one dedicated guy.

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