Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Front Squats

A. Strength = Front Squats
5-5-5 (start at 75%1RM and increase)

My one-rep max is 225, so I started at 170, then did 190 and 205.

B. Skill = Deadhang Pull-ups
4 each minute for 12 minutes

Done. I wanted to do these all unbroken, but had to break them up starting at the 9th or 1-th minute. As it was, I was chicken-necking like crazy to get my chin over.
I bet she has an awesome Fran time.

C. Metcon = Row/Box Jumps
500m Row immediately followed by max 20″ Box Jumps, 5 minute total time limit.
(Row starts the 5 minutes, then how many Box Jumps can you do before the 5 minutes is up)

I got 61. Blake and Nolan both nearly DOUBLED that with 121 and 119 respectively. Unfuckingbelievable.

1 comment:

Robin said...

She has an unfair disadvantage! Okay, well as long as she keeps her shirt on...