Sunday, February 6, 2011

Insanely heavy kettlebell swings

Okay, that wasn't the name of the WOD, but it might as well have been.

In honour of Super Bowl Sunday, we could choose from two WODs, depending on whether we were cheering for the Packers or the Steelers.

I chose the Packers, but probably should have looked at the WOD first.

30 KB swings in one minute (70 lbs !!!!)
Rest one minute
30 KB swings in one minute (70 lbs !!!!)
Rest one minute
30 KB swings in one minute (70 lbs !!!!)
Rest one minute
30 KB swings in one minute (70 lbs !!!!)
Rest one minute
30 KB swings in one minute (70 lbs !!!!)

That 70lb KB has always scared the shit out of me, ever since I had to use one in the first Saskatoon competition.

Originally, the Sunday WOD was supposed to be for every round you didn't get the 30 swings in, you do a 1000m row, whether you get 4 swings or 29. So, you're looking at the possibility of a 5k row afterwards. Then Harlan pipes up and says it should be a 1k row for every single swing you're short, which is obviously crazy. Coach Lexi apparently fell under the spell of Harlan's magnificent beard and endless German charisma and changed the workout, I ignored that.

Here's what I think I got:


By Harlan's calculations, I would have had to row 57,000 metres. He would have had to row something like 29,000m.

Instead, I did a 4000m row, split up into leisurely 1k rows. Two of which were done with the Boy (age three and a half) on my lap, so I didn't exactly meet the CrossFit standard of a short, intense workout. But at least he had fun.

1 comment:

Annonomous said...

I actually only had to row 27000 m, but who's counting.