Friday, October 1, 2010

"Double Take"

First, I had to make up three days' worth of burpees. 63 in total. Not a bad warm-up, as it turns out.

Then it was time for a two-part WOD

A. Tabata push-ups and box jumps.

Tabata is usually awful, but I concentrated on my breathing and didn't find this to be absolute hell. I mean, it was awful, but not exceedingly so. My push-ups faded on me pretty fast, but I managed to find a decent rhythm on the jumps.

Total of 212 from 97 push-ups and 115 box jumps.

B.Using a 75-lb barbell do 15-12-9 of front squats and hang power snatches.

My goal was to get sub-5 minutes on this. That seemed like a reasonable time, looking on the whiteboard.

I did the front squats without putting the bar down, but I did pause for breath a couple of times.

I couldn't do any of the snatches unbroken, but Shae was coaching and wouldn't let me leave it on the ground for long.

Finished it in 3:32.

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