Monday, July 22, 2013

Oly Total / Petranek Fitness Test

A. Oly Total

Max one-rep snatch + max one-rep clean and jerk.

It's been a while since I went heavy on the snatch.  (Tee-hee)

As I warmed up, 135 felt pretty good.  155 didn't feel too bad, but 160 just wasn't happening today. 

Snatch: 155

On the clean and jerks, 205 felt like a real struggle.  I failed to clean 215 on my first attempt.  I got the clean on the second, but didn't even come close on the jerk. 

Clean and Jerk: 205

Oly Total: 360

B. Petranek Fitness Test

500m row
40 squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups

I didn't know what my previous best on this was.  I knew it was probably 4:00 and change and I was sure that I wasn't getting any PRs today.  I finished the row in about 1:40, which is not bad, but then my legs protested loudly and repeatedly as I was doing the squats.  I ended up having to take breaks (SO MANY BREAKS).  

I felt like I was sluggish on the sit-ups.  Push-ups were done in sets of 12, 5 and 3.  I didn't pause too long on the breaks, but still, they were breaks. 

I did the ten pull-ups unbroken, but there was a lot of flailing and extra motion in my attempt to do this quickly.

Finished at 4:16.  Turns out that is a PR over my previous best of 4:23.

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