Tuesday, July 30, 2013


So we went to Edmonton on this family trip.  We fly in and cab it to the hotel at the West Edmonton Mall.

I had found a CrossFit about 4km away from the mall, so I was pretty psyched

I plan to go there, but then stuff happens and it's our last day in Edmonton, so I've got one last chance.  I have to hit a morning class.  No problem.  I wake up early, hail a cab, and get there at 6:40am. 

Closed.  The affiliate has morning classes, but just not on Tuesdays. 

So I decide to make the best of it and run back to the Mall.  I do sprints, running as hard as a can for the distance of two lengths between streetlights, then walking for two lengths. 

At the hotel, I'm told that there's a Gold's Gym that we can use for free. 

I wander over there, but don't really know what to do with myself.  I try some back squats in a squat cage.  It seems weird to me. 

I do some deadhang pull-ups. 

I row on a poorly maintained C2 rower, as an old lady beside me watches Treehouse on the TV built into the elliptical. 

I cool off by shooting some hoops in a raquetball court. 

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