Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shoulder Press / OPT WOD

Shoulder press 5-5-5:

115, 125 (old PR), 130 (PR)

Then, instead of the scheduled metcon, the sadistic deadlift and clean & jerk-filled “Heavy Duty,” I did the OPT WOD from 11am Saturday alongside Blair, because I believe it’s important to stay humble and there are few things more humbling than working out alonside Blair.

For time, three rounds of
12 115-lb power snatches
12 speed burpees (or "lazy burpees" as Robin likes to call them)
12 30-inch box jumps

Blair got 6:30-something, I think. I got 11:39.


Leya said...

If it makes you feel better, you beat me. I was 12:13 and just happy to rx it. Ugh.

Tyler said...

It sort of does make me feel better. Until I remember that I'm nowhere near a 23-round "Cindy."