Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Strength - Workout B - Here I go again

Let's try this again.

My plan is to hit CrossFit Regina four times a week. Two of those days will be Stength work, two will be the scheduled WOD.

I've also got Ultimate Frisbee at least one day a week, so that should keep me pretty busy.

With the Strength stuff, I'm starting a bit below where I was before I hurt myself in mid-March. I should be back in the swing of things in a couple of weeks.

Here's what I did today:

Back Squats - Three sets of 5 x 250 lbs

That's 20 lbs under my max. And it still sucked.

Bench Press - Three sets of 5 x 135 lbs

Five pounds under my max. Plenty heavy.

Power Clean - Five sets of 3 x 145 lbs

Ten pounds under my max. These weren't exactly light for me, but they weren't as concerning as the other two.


Kurt said...

I'm starting this program and I'm going to follow it to a T with three a week and no cardio.

I plugged my starting numbers into it and kind of freaked out by what it's saying I should be at by the end of eight weeks.

Are you doing the milk or just eating more this time?

Tyler said...

I will probably just try to eat well and be satisfied with slower progress on the strength. My cardio didn't come back as quick as I wanted, so I would like to maintain it. I will re-evaluate as needed.