Sunday, May 4, 2014

Note to self: Avoid or modify Hero WOD "Manion"

It's sort of hard to find time to get to CrossFit consistently these days, so when I have a chance, I take it.

Sunday, the WOD was "Manion."

7 rounds of:
-400m run
-29 back squats (135lb)

What was I thinking when I saw that?

I didn't just flirt with the idea of modifying this WOD. No, I went further than that. I sent it drinks, I slipped it my hotel room key and texted it pictures of my junk.  What I'm trying to say is, I really did not want to do this one rx'd.

But then I convinced myself that I had to do it as is. I mean, after all, I used to do Hero WODs regularly. I'm still awesome, right?  And, heck, this one just had a bit of running and some squats that aren't too heavy.  I'm good at those things!

The problem, as it often is with CrossFit, is the math.  203 of those goddamn squats, to be exact. Hell, even if they were air squats, I would have thought this was a tough friggin' WOD.

And it was terrible.  I was hating life midway through the third round.

I finished it in 45:20, which I'm happy about.

Honestly, though, this is a WOD I will never do rx'd again.  I'm actually writing this on Wednesday, and my legs are still messed up.  Like, I wake up in pain, and descending the stairs is terrible.  I'm standing at my desk at work and the act of sitting down on the toilet was painful.  There's a difference between sore and injured.  At this point, I don't consider myself injured, just sore. Really, really fucking sore.  (But when I had the muscle strain on my hamstring, it took me a while to realize that was an injury, too.)  

While I made a couple of jokey "Thanks a lot Kim Fly" posts on Facebook, I should be clear that I'm not really blaming her or CrossFit Regina for this.  This is on me.

It was stupid of me to do this workout as rx'd, especially after a week of inactivity.  It was even more stupid of me to not foam-roll the fuck out of my legs afterward.  I did some rolling, but mostly on my back, which was immediately sore.  But that's pretty stupid, because I've been doing this long enough to know that it takes a while for the legs to really feel a shitty WOD.  

I've been CrossFitting for 6 years now.  At this point, I should have a pretty good idea of what I can do and what I shouldn't do, even if I can.

Lesson learned.  


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