Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tyler: "My leg's all better." Tyler's leg: "Nuh-uh."

I had to go to Saskatoon for work, and this gave me the opportunity to finally check out CrossFit Brio, which is something I've been wanting to do for some time.

 Brio always has a good representation at Saskatchewan competitions and it seems like they've got a really good sense of community in the gym.  David and Jocelyn, who own the place, are nice people who -- according to Jocelyn -- get into debates over supper about whether Jocelyn can hold a plank for five minutes... debates that need to be settled that very moment by her attempting to do so. 

The gym itself is a nice big open square concept, perfect for all sorts of stuff.  Which is good, because when I was there, that's exactly what they did.

Warm-up was a group 400m run.  They run on the street that goes in front of the gym and the 400m route takes you over a set of train tracks.  So we had to do 10 squats when we crossed the tracks and another 10 when we came back.  

WOD #1
Six-minute AMRAP

10 Toes-to-Bar
10 Jumping squats
10 "Speed Burpees" - These ones were different than what CFR refers to as speed burpees. In the Brio version, when you drop down, you go to a plank but you don't have to touch your chest to the floor.  It is kind of similar to a mountain climber, but you bring both your feet back under you at the same time and jump up.

It was during this WOD, and even during the time before when we were warming up on T2B, that my right leg started to feel pretty tight and a bit uncomfortable.  It hampered my ability to string together T2B during the WOD, other than in the first round.  The speed burpees were pretty uncomfortable, too.  The jumping squats actually seemed to help.  

I got 4 rounds plus 2 T2B

WOD #2
AMRAP - One minute of work, one minute rest. 
Five stations, do each station twice, add up reps.  

Rope Climb
70 lb KB swing
Box Jump (Rx'd was 30", but they didn't have enough boxes that tall, so I did 24") 
Handstand Push-ups 
Double Unders 

Gym rule was that you need to wear long socks if you want to climb the rope.  I didn't have any with me, but Jocelyn lent me one of hers.   

I feel pretty.

It had been a while since I'd climbed a rope.  I wasn't worried about the climb, but I was concerned about the dismount.  CFR used to have a big crashpad to drop onto.  Brio has a floor, with thick excess rope gathered at the bottom.  

This means you have to control your descent a lot more, which is great for increasing the level of fitness for people, but bad for the inherently lazy like me.   Since my leg was sending me signals that it was more than willing to stage a mutiny, I wanted to be careful.  

Round 1
2 rope climbs - I thought about going up for a third, but after starting, I quickly abandoned the idea.  One rep wasn't worth the potential for injury.  
20 bell swings -  Did not feel great on the leg.  
20 box jumps - I could have done these with more urgency.  I stepped down, rather than hopped down.  And I was grateful they didn't have another 30" box.
16 HSPU - I think I did 10 straight, took a break, and did another 6.  Coming off the wall was awkward and I tried to use my non-injured leg as much as I could. 
53 Double Unders - Not bad, all things considered.

Round 2
1 rope climb - I had the energy for the second one, but decided to not risk aggravating the leg.  
17 bell swings - I really wanted to beat my previous total.  Then I picked that fucking thing up and gravity reminded me who was in charge.
22 box jumps - Found some of the urgency that was missing in Round 1, even though I was more tired by this point. 
11 HSPU - kept my legs together to get more efficiency out of kip, as Jocelyn had advised.  It helped.  I did 8, stopped, then fell off the wall on my first one back. Did another couple before time ran out.
60 DU - I thought my previous total was beatable.  It was. 

If my math is right, I did 111 reps in each round, good for a total score of 222. 

After a couple days in the car and more sitting around than I'm used to, I'm still feeling it in the leg, but I'm not considering this a major setback.

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