Saturday, September 7, 2013


Leg still hurts. Resting, occasionally stretching, and going to physio didn't seem to help.  I decided that I might as well go back to CrossFit and try to do a little something.

First I just did some stretching, which hurt.  Then, a slow version of the warm-up.  Squats weren't bad. Push-ups and small numbers of deadhang pull-ups were fine, except getting up off the ground was awkward and dismounting from the bar had to be done onto one leg.  I could do the Samson stretch. 

I tried a little bit of light jogging in the alley, maybe 200m.  The leg protested at first, but finally went along with it, grudgingly.  It was the first time I travelled faster than a slow walk in a month, though I did wonder if I would pay for it later. 

I turned up the speed to maybe 50-60%.  It felt good to be moving again, even if I had to ease into a jog, rather than just take off in a sprint. 

I was at the gym during the time set aside to make-up WODs that had been missed.  The WOD for that day included a bunch of stuff that my leg wouldn't let me do.  Hang power cleans, burpees and toes to bar.  I could have done the bell swings at 35lbs, but not 55 (I checked). 

So I made up my own WOD.  It was kind of lame but, then again, so am I (literally).

First minute - one deadhang pull-up, one push-up
Second minute - two and two
Third minute - three and three

I got through the seventh minute and threw in the towel. 

Later, I actually felt pretty good.  As long as I kept standing.  Sitting down for an extended period (like, say, in a car for the length of time it takes me to drive to work) then attempting to stand and walk still sucks.   

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