Wednesday, February 8, 2012

6 a.m. Tequila memories: Snatch and Dotcom Metcon

After being so proud of myself for achieving my four-WODS-in-a-week goal two weeks running, I then go five days without hitting the gym. Some of that was due to real-life factors beyond my control, but that's still pretty weak.

It was nice to go to the gym at 6 a.m. this morning. It's a really good way to start off a day. The only real disadvantage is being able to guage what your result should be on a metcon you've never done before.

Only three guys working out: Pat, Jarrett and me. Jarrett just got back from Mexico, which gave me the opportunity to tell the story about how my last trip to Mexico led to my wife banning me from drinking tequila ever again. (I don't have that many good stories, so I need to grab these opportunities when they present themselves.

Jeff was coaching. The advantage of having only a small number of dudes in the gym is that you don't have to excuse yourself to the washroom if you need to pass gas. I say this hypothetically, of course. Not like I'd ever do that. In the middle of a set of overhead squats.

A. 15 min Snatch work to 90% 1RM for 3 singles

I worked up to 140lbs.

B. Metcon = Dot Com 120205
AMRAP in 15 min:
7 Push Press – 95/65
10 Overhead Squats - 95/65
15 Abmat Situps

I got 7 rounds, plus 7 push press and 8 OHS.

The crazy mofos who signed up for the games have to use 135lbs for this and GHD sit-ups, men's weight. That's a whole other ballgame when you have to do push presses and overhead squats.

With the regular 95lb weight, I was able to do the push presses unbroken. With the OHS, I did three or four rounds of the seven unbroken, plus the final eight at the end (mostly because I knew the clock was running out and there was no point in dropping the bar if I was going to squeeze out all the reps I could.)

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