Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Strength: Deja vu FUCK!!

I was getting warmed up for today's session. I was pretty psyched for my first-ever attempt to squat 5 x 275 lbs.

After two warm-up sets of 225 lbs, I got a pain in my back, the kind of pain that tells me that squatting is going to have to take a backseat for now.


The worst thing? This is exactly the same thing that happened last time, right down to the warm-up weight.

Next time, I will do a more gradual warm up than empty bar, 135, and 225. Still... fuck.


Kurt said...

I would suggest:

2x5 @45lbs
1x5 @110lbs
1x3 @165lbs
1x2 @220lbs

then your working sets. Technically it's what the SS excel program says. Are you going to bow out of the supertotal on Monday?

Tyler said...

Yeah, I think that's a good warm-up routine. My problem was always time. Working out at noons left me time crunched.

I wasn't going to do the super total, (I have Ultimate Frisbee on Monday nights) but if I was signed up, I would bow out.

I think I'm going to step back from the Strength stuff and do the WODs. CFR seems to be programming a good mix of Strength and metcon, so me doing my own thing makes less sense than it did when I started. I've been eating less than ideally lately and I would also like to lean back out.

Good job on the 305, BTW.

BrianB said...

I agree with Kurt on the warm-up sets - and just FYI, the 1x5, 1x3, and 1x2 sets are at 40%, 60%, and 80% of the working weight, respectively.

However, I do have one other question for you - have you been using a belt for your lifts?? If not, I would suggest it. It allows your "core" muscles to work harder and get stronger. My back feels a tonne better after starting to use one. Though, you injured yourself during warm-up, so...

Tyler said...


I haven't been using a belt.

I think the problem with my warm ups was rushing through them. I will use the info you provide if I decide to start doing the Strength stuff again, which I'm currently leaning against.

aaron said...

If you are in hurry, it would be better for you to do squats and one other exercise, rather than rush your warm-up and work sets. And learn to use a belt, nothing wrong with using a good belt.